"Inspired by the Ragnar Relay Series, The Barkley Marathons and The Amazing Race, the Kangaroobie Base Camp Ultra Relay is now a fixture on the Princetown East Running Calendar. An Ultra because the proposed distance per runner is 54 km, albeit not all in one outing. A Relay because only one person from your team is out on a trail at any given time. You will need to rest-up & wait your turn before heading back out to enjoy the spectacular views Kangaroobie has on offer. It is a relay that's not as demanding as the Barkley Marathons, but a little bit more challenging than the tried and trusted 4x100 we all ran at school! 6, 9, 12, R. The relay legs alternate between 3 unique trails of varying distances. One is shorter, one is longer, the other in-between. We have nothing against decimals or fractions but the distances have been rounded down to a whole number, just because it looks better on the logo. So, the overall distance may be a little bit longer than advertised. You will take it in turns to run each distance (6, 9 , 12) before hitting the (R)epeat button to do it all again! "
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